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Instruction via telephone and video conferencing — Call Mrs. Geller at 513-608-1140 for details.

Explanation of Courses

Just to explain definitively:

I teach two types of preparation courses for the college entrance examinations: ten-session comprehensive courses with emphasis on the PSAT/SAT because they are the more difficult examinations and four-session, twelve hour ACT courses.

I offer the comprehensive courses twice a year – August through the middle of October and January through March. The students enrolled hail from fifteen to twenty different high schools; that variety makes it fun for them…and for me.

In June and July I teach seven-session courses that mirror the first seven classes of the ten-session course. Some students, if they have more time to devote to my work in the summer, will take seven classes in June and July and then if I have room – and I usually do – they will join a ten-session course for three classes at the end of September and through the middle of October. My husband calls those students “plus three.”

In the fall and winter/spring I teach the four-session, twelve hour ACT courses at UC-Blue Ash. My shorter courses provide more ACT content than the amount I can squeeze into the comprehensive courses, and the comprehensive courses provide obviously more academic content and college study skills refinement than my shorter courses can.


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Thank you so much for all of your help. I really could not have accomplished all of this without you.